Artist Statement

My artwork explores different narratives and imaginative visuals by using color and frequently drawing inspiration from scientific structures and concepts. Inherently, as an artist with a biochemistry and molecular biology background, I find myself thinking about biodiversity, the molecular structures of cellular life and the microscopic world. Consequently, this imagery seeps its way into my artwork along with depictions of different animals and creatures.

Discovery, experimentation, and creative problem-solving are qualities of art and science, so I enjoy how surrealism allows me to uncover subjects in my artwork. Part of my process starts with something seemingly random or done unconsciously, such as, with an automatic drawing. This encourages me to take a more analytical role as an artist, as I interpret what forms could be and play with how colors interact with each other. For paintings, I also work in several rounds of layers to build up my work. I hope to create cohesive and dynamic compositions as well to develop whimsical scenes and worlds. My vision is for the audience to find my pieces visually compelling and keep them engaged about what they think they see. This goal can be extended to other pieces in my work that have surrealist qualities, but are more detailed and defined in their images. 

The more science side of my art explores ways to depict biological subjects, such as DNA and microbes. These representations reflect my science studies and current and past research projects. I’ve also been inspired by new advances or discoveries in science and part of my motivation for this work is to artistically depict those events.This scientific illustration focus lets me envision more editorial, diagrammatic visuals of scientific concepts. For the process, I utilized media such as digital painting, traditional drawing, and painting. These works are more targeted at science spaces but contribute to the field of scientific communication and its role in presenting accurate information or topics in more creative ways. My aim is to provide captivating visuals that represent science in a clear and effective way. Overall, I bridge my identity as an artist and scientist through my artwork by adapting my scientific problem-solving in an analogous way through creating surrealist works while also incorporating my artistry to illustrate science.